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Main concepts

Basic entities

Main idea of Gkernel framework is to organize request processing flow which is:

  • controlled by events
  • processed by services, and services are managed by Service Container

Framework determines next main entities for request processing:

  • Request - represents an HTTP request received by a server. Gkernel uses standard net/http Request type.
  • Response - represents result of request processing, that should be sent to user.
  • Controller - function that receive request object and have to return response object.
  • Event - some event that happened during request processing (or during life of the whole application). This events are dispatched by framework.
  • Event listener - function that receive and process events (dispatched by framework) and can affect request processing flow.


Gkernel uses yaml files to describe application configuration. Path to folder, containing config files, should be passed to Kernel constructor. Config files describe application parameters (like port to listen on, environment etc.), routes, services and event listeners.

Under the hood to work with config files Gkernel uses viper library. Viper can read json, toml, yaml, yml, properties, props, prop, hcl files, so, in fact, any of that file types can be used as configuration files for Gkernel. But we suggests to use yaml.

While reading config path (directory) Gkernel reads any allowed (that Viper can read) file from that directory and treats it like configuration file. Therefore it is recommended to store config files in separate folder and not mix config files with other files to avoid erroneous read of non-config file.

Request lifecycle

Request processing cycle (also it can be called request lifecycle) has next main parts:

  1. Framework receives request and performs routing to determine controller for request processing. If required route not exists - framework creates NotFoundHttpError and dispatches RuntimeError event.
  2. RequestReceived event is being dispatched. If listeners for that event returned response object - framework goes to p.5.
  3. Controller starts.
  4. RequestProcessed event is being dispatched.
  5. ResponseBeforeSend event is being dispatched.
  6. Framework sends response to user.
  7. RequestTermination event is being dispatched. Notice: RequestTermination is dispatched in separate goroutine in order not to delay response sending to user.
  8. If some panic occurs during request processing framework recovers it and dispatches RuntimeError.

Services and DI container

Service is a logical concept of some complete component or functionality block inside a program with a purpose that different clients can reuse it for different purposes.

Mostly all parts of application can be referenced as services. Controller is a service, event listener is a service etc.

As one of it's main parts Gkernel framework has DI container. It used for managing dependencies of application components (services) and performing dependency injection. (If you are not familiar with Dependency injection concept, you can read this article). As DI container bassbeaver/gioc library is used.