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Events and Listeners

Gkernel is event-based framework, so Event and Listener are very important concepts in Gkernel's architecture.

Event is an object that represents some happening inside application during it's operation. Every event have to implement interface:

type Event interface {
    IsPropagationStopped() bool

To process Event Listener object is used. Listener is just a function with one argument, and type of that argument have to correspond to Event's type.

There can be multiple listeners for one event, this is called Listeners Chain and Event is propagating through that chain. Order of Listeners in chain is determined by Listeners priority (the lower the priority first). Event's propagation inside the Listeners Chain can be stopped by calling StopPropagation() method of the Event object.

Main way to register Listened is to declare it in Configuration file:

  url: "/private-page"
  methods: ["GET"]
  controller: "IndexController:PrivatePage"
    - {event: kernelEvent.RequestReceived, listener: "AuthService:RedirectToLoginIfNotAuthenticated", priority: 41}

This example shows registration of Listener for RequestReceived Event, with priority 41 and where Listener is method RedirectToLoginIfNotAuthenticated from AuthService Service.

Event types

Gkernel's events can be application level and request level.

Application level events

Application level events are used to manage request-processing flow.

There are next application level events:


Is being dispatched after application started, and configured but before it started to listen it's port. Can be used to establish DB connection, cache warming, etc.


Is being dispatched during application shut down process. Can be used to close DB connections, exporting of some cached data, etc.


Application level events has next methods:

  • StopPropagation() - to stop Event's propagation inside Listeners Chain
  • IsPropagationStopped() bool - returns if propagation of Event was stopped
  • GetContainer() *gioc.Container - returns DI Container object used by Application.

Application level events has next attributes:

  • Errors *[]error - slice of errors occurred during application shutdown process


Request level events

There are next request level events:


Is being dispatched after request was received by framework but before it was passed to controller. Can be used to read user's session from the storage, for authentification & authorization, etc.

RequestReceived Event has next methods:

  • StopPropagation() - to stop Event's propagation inside Listeners Chain
  • IsPropagationStopped() bool - returns if propagation of Event was stopped
  • GetRequest() *http.Request - returns Request object
  • RequestContextAppend(key, val interface{}) - appends provided val object to Request's context
  • GetResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter - returns ResponseWriter object associated with current Request
  • GetResponse() response.Response - gets Response object provided to this Event. Initially RequestReceived Event has no Response (method returns nil)
  • SetResponse(responseObj response.Response) - stops Event's propagation and sends provided Response to user.



Is being dispatched after Controller has processed Request. Contains Response object returned from Controller.

RequestProcessed Event has next methods:

  • StopPropagation() - to stop Event's propagation inside Listeners Chain
  • IsPropagationStopped() bool - returns if propagation of Event was stopped
  • GetRequest() *http.Request - returns Request object
  • RequestContextAppend(key, val interface{}) - appends provided val object to Request's context
  • GetResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter - returns ResponseWriter object associated with current Request
  • GetResponse() response.Response - gets Response object provided to this Event. Initially this will be Response returned by Controller
  • SetResponse(responseObj response.Response) - sets Response object. Notice: unlike RequestReceived.SetResponse() this method does not stop Event's propagation



Is being dispatched after RequestProcessed Event was processed. Can modify Response but can not replace it with new object.

ResponseBeforeSend Event has next methods:

  • StopPropagation() - to stop Event's propagation inside Listeners Chain
  • IsPropagationStopped() bool - returns if propagation of Event was stopped
  • GetRequest() *http.Request - returns Request object
  • RequestContextAppend(key, val interface{}) - appends provided val object to Request's context
  • GetResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter - returns ResponseWriter object associated with current Request
  • GetResponse() response.Response - gets Response object



Is being dispatched after Response was sent to user. Can be used for logs exporting and others after-request activities.

RequestTermination Event has next methods:

  • StopPropagation() - to stop Event's propagation inside Listeners Chain
  • IsPropagationStopped() bool - returns if propagation of Event was stopped
  • GetRequest() *http.Request - returns Request object
  • GetResponse() response.Response - gets Response object



In case of panic during Request processing Gkernel automatically recovers that panic, creates RuntimeError object to represent that panic and dispatches RuntimeError.

RuntimeError Event has next methods:

  • StopPropagation() - to stop Event's propagation inside Listeners Chain
  • IsPropagationStopped() bool - returns if propagation of Event was stopped
  • GetRequest() *http.Request - returns Request object
  • RequestContextAppend(key, val interface{}) - appends provided val object to Request's context
  • GetResponseWriter() http.ResponseWriter - returns ResponseWriter object associated with current Request
  • GetResponse() response.Response - gets Response object provided to this Event. Initially RuntimeError Event has no Response (method returns nil)
  • SetResponse(responseObj response.Response) - stops Event's propagation and sends provided Response to user.
  • GetError() *kernelError.RuntimeError - returns RuntimeError object that represents recovered panic