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Routing and Controllers


Route determines connection between URL and Controller, designed to process requests to that URL.

To represent Route in code, Gkernel provides Route type. Route has next fields:

  • Name, string - name of the route
  • Methods, []string - array of HTTP method names. Route will only process requests made using that methods.
  • Url, string
  • Controller, Controller - Controller to process request

Main way to create routes in Gkernel application is to describe routes in Configuration file. This way is described in Configuration section of this documentation.

But also, you can register routes within the code. Gkernel provides appropriate method for this:

func (k *Kernel) RegisterRoute(route *Route) *Kernel


Route URL parameters

Sometimes you will need to capture segments of the URI within your route. To achieve this you have to declare rote with parameter in URL. Configuration file example for this case:

  url: "/page-with-param/:parameterValue"
  methods: ["GET"]
  controller: "IndexController:PageWithParam"

Where declared parameter is :parameterValue.

Captured parameters live in Request object. To obtain captured parameter inside controller you have to:

import (
    kernelResponse ""

func (c *IndexController) PageWithParam(request *http.Request) kernelResponse.Response {

    urlParam := request.URL.Query().Get(":parameterValue")




Basically Controller is function that receives request object and have to return response object. Controller function should have next signature:

import (
    kernelResponse ""

func(*http.Request) kernelResponse.Response

Gkernel's approach to Controllers is to register Service where some methods have appropriate (Controller's) signature.